Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Who am I?

I am a beautiful place. I have two entrance ways. One of them has a function as an information board. The other one has a purple box where anybody can put his/her task. A nice board is placed above me. It shows the name of my master. I used to be searched by seniors. I also have four colorful windows. My master usually put the schedule on me. If you want to see me, you may look for me from outside or inside the meeting room in this popular study program. My master is very busy, if you want to see my master you have to make an appointment with my master before.Yeah, my master is a vice leader in this famous study program. So, who am I?

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010


Here I am. My name is Dewati. I am joining Paragraph Writing Class(again) in this semester. Actually this class is offered for those who are in their second semester. It means that I retake this class. Oh my goodness, may this experiment would not be tried by my juniors.

My expectation is simple. I expect that I will learn many important things in this new class. A new semester means an old class with new friends, a new lecturer, new methods, and a new grade for me. In this class I meet some juniors who have their own expectations. I believe that we have the same expectation. I do hope that my classmates and I will obtain the best grade in this class, amen.

This semester began when I was doing my KKN in Bantul. In the guidance book I read that I could not get permission to leave my KKN's location if I wanted to have a class in Jogja. So, I decided to skip the first meeting of this class. In the second meeting, I asked a junior next to me and she said that this was the first meeting for this class. Great! It meant that I did not skip the class.

In the first meeting, we learned how to make a blog, a nicenet account, and join http://kpe154parwriting.ning.com/. That was my first experiment in blogger's world. I gave my full attention because I did not want to be out of date in this class. I followed the instruction to make this blog and the result is this nice blog. A nice blog for a beginner in her first time in creating a blog.

In the second meeting, the lecturer asked us to make an introducing post. Oh, what should I write? I did not have any idea. I tried to write something and erase it, write something and then erase it again. Finally I decided to share my experiment in this Paragraph Writing Class. I wrote whenever an idea came up in my mind. The time went by and I could write this post. Thank you for reading my post. :) ^^

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
